Benjamin Resigns * Full Cancer Moon * Mercury Sextile Uranus
From Kelly Lee Phipps, creator of the Cosmic Weather.
That's right folks, you read that correctly. Benjamin is moving on to pursue other activities which he describes eloquently in this week's podcast. I want to thank him for a great dynamic partnership over the last 64 shows and for all his hard work making print-outs, doing research, handling the technical editing, and adding his great sense of humor and life experiential wisdom to the show.
Who knows where the New Year will take the Cosmic Weather from here! I'm very excited about exploring new directions with Jupiter in Sag! Stay tuned and we'll see what happens. Benjamin and I will continue doing Unique Chart Interpretations through January, so if you are still aching to have your chart read by this dynamic duo, then place your order now!
We have a new democratic congress coming in this week on the 4th, the same day Mercury sextiles Uranus, electrifying the debate, helping us to move toward liberation and true freedom as a nation (at least her in America!)
Check out our last exciting show as a team as we look at the Ingress chart for America and break things down play-by-play for the year 2007!
Here's the link!
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