Sunday, July 30, 2006

Cosmic Weather 42!

Sarah McLachlan * Quincunx Week * Solar Return Chart

What's the answer to the great question of the meaning of life, the universe, and everything? Show number 42 of course!

Here's the link!


Sunday, July 23, 2006

Cosmic Weather 41!

Leo New Moon * Live Caller * Israel/Lebanon Charts!

The conflict in the Middle East between Israel and the Lebanese terror organization, The Party of God, has escelated again into an all out invsion resulting in the destruction of Lebanon's economy. This week we take an iintense look at the charts of these two nations and their struggle!

We also have a guest caller with informative questions about her chart and the always amazing and helpful Celestial Forecast.

Enjoy! Here's the link!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Special Feature! Astrology of 2012 Lecture

Astrology of 2012 * Benjamin Bernstein

Check out his analysis of all the major competing theories, ideas, and speculation around the mythic date of the end of the highly acclaimed Mayan Calendar!

Here's the link!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Cosmic Weather 40!

Alan Watts * Sun into Leo * Progressed Moon

In addition to the big shiny star at the core of our solar system changing sign, we also have a couple of dramatic yods forming this week, Mars goes into Virgo, and Venus into Cancer. A very busy week!

Here's the link!

Enjoy this mid-life crisis edition of the Cosmic Weather!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Cosmic Weather 39!

Mahatma Gandhi * Capricorn Full Moon * Neptune-Saturn Transits

This week we went backa century to relive the remarkable life of the master of non-violent resistancce himself, Mahatma Gandhi.

In our listener questions we had a recurring theme (also with Gandhi) of transiting Neptune aspects to Saturn, dissolving structures!

Check it out here!


Monday, July 03, 2006

Cosmic Weather 38!

Warren Buffet * Two Grand Trines * Jupiter Returns

This week we launched the new website look...hope you like it and find it easy to navigate. Let me know if you see any problems...

Here's the link to this week's show!
